
National Rally’s policies on domestic policy issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average French [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


国内政策  ›  燃烧的国旗



国内政策  ›  Foreigner Mosque Funding

Should foreigners be banned from funding mosques in France?


国内政策  ›  政府监视



国内政策  ›  毒品政策



国内政策  ›  社交媒体监管



How similar are your political beliefs to National Rally’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

国内政策  ›  Civil Service

Should the current number of civil servants be increased or decreased?

  ChatGPTDecreased, but increase for education, health, justice, security services

国内政策  ›  任期限制

Should there be term limits set for members of the National Assembly?


国内政策  ›  Article 49.3

Should article 49.3 be removed from the Constitution?


国内政策  ›  举报人保护



国内政策  ›  Political Advertising on Social Media

Should social media companies ban political advertising?


国内政策  ›  网路中立性



国内政策  ›  Right to Repair

Should the EU enforce a universal right to repair for all electronic devices sold in its member states?


国内政策  ›  EU Federalism

Should the EU take steps towards a more federal structure, similar to the United States of America?


国内政策  ›  TikTok Ban

Should the government ban TikTok?

  ChatGPTYes, and we should do more to stop China from collecting data on our citizens