
Rassemblement National’s Policies

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average French [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


社会  ›  堕胎


  Party’s support base支持人工流产

社会  ›  LGBT收养权


  Party’s support base是的

经济  ›  


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

社会  ›  死刑


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

社会  ›  同性恋婚姻


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

移民  ›  公民考试


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  United States of Europe

Should the EU evolve into the United States of Europe?

  Party’s support base

科学  ›  核能


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

移民  ›  Muslim Immigrant Ban


  Party’s support base是的

环境  ›  环境规制


  Party’s support base是的,为生产替代能源提供更多激励措施

医保  ›  医疗保健私有化


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase少,并且提供更多的政府资助

国家安全  ›  Terrorism Surveillance

Should the government arrest all people who are under surveillance for suspected terrorism (S-files)?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

国内政策  ›  燃烧的国旗


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

环境  ›  转基因食品


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

总统大选  ›  外国人的投票权

Should foreigners, currently residing in France, have the right to vote?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

社会  ›  工作场所性别多元化


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  政府支出


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

经济  ›  最低工资


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的,而且每年要根据通货膨胀对其进行调整

国内政策  ›  Foreigner Mosque Funding

Should foreigners be banned from funding mosques in France?

  Party’s support base是的

经济  ›  社会福利


  Party’s support base增加限制,并且不向移民提供福利

社会  ›  动物权益

Should the government ban cultural ceremonies that involve the killing of animals for entertainment?

  Party’s support base是的

社会  ›  Assisted Reproductive Technology

Should assisted reproductive technology be allowed for lesbian couples?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Colonization of Algeria

Was France’s colonization of Algeria a crime against humanity?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

科学  ›  强制接种疫苗


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

总统大选  ›  Elected Representatives

Should the number of elected representatives be reduced?

  Party’s support base

罪行  ›  运输毒品罪处以的刑罚


  Party’s support base不应该,判处他们终身监禁,且不得假释

移民  ›  双重国籍

Should immigrants to France be allowed to hold dual citizenship status?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

国内政策  ›  政府监视


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

外交政策  ›  义务兵役


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  军费支出


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase增长

外交政策  ›  Central EU Agency

Should intelligence agencies be merged to create a central EU agency?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

国内政策  ›  毒品政策


  Party’s support base

经济  ›  Solidarity Tax

Should the solidarity tax on wealth be abolished?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  Universal Wage

Should France implement a universal wage?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  公司税


  Party’s support base更低的

国家安全  ›  Foreign Assassination

Should France assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

罪行  ›  Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

外交政策  ›  European Commission

Should the European Commission be dismantled?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  北约

Should France remain in NATO?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbaseYes, but NATO should focus more on counter-terrorism strategies

国内政策  ›  社交媒体监管


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

罪行  ›  Demilitarize the Police

Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

环境  ›  水力压裂法


  Party’s support base是的

国家安全  ›  Stationary Security Missions

Should stationary security missions be overseen by private companies so police can concentrate on other tasks?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

交通运输  ›  公共交通


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是,而且提供更多免费公共交通

国内政策  ›  Civil Service

Should the current number of civil servants be increased or decreased?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase增加

外交政策  ›  外国援助


  Party’s support base减少

环境  ›  Animal Testing

Should researchers be allowed to use animals in testing the safety of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, and cosmetics?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

Technology  ›  Data Privacy

Should the government impose stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

罪行  ›  罪犯投票权


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

国家安全  ›  Syria Travel Ban

Should French citizens who have traveled to Syria be put in jail?

  Party’s support baseNo, but they should be interrogated and closely monitored

医保  ›  大麻


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

外交政策  ›  EU Army

Do you support the creation of a European Army?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

医保  ›  COVID Employment Health Pass

Should the government require employees of large businesses to be vaccinated from COVID?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

医保  ›  安全港


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

移民  ›  技术移民


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase减少

社会  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

移民  ›  Solidarity Offence

Should the solidarity offence be decriminalized?

  Party’s support base

经济  ›  全民基本收入


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

国内政策  ›  Article 49.3

Should article 49.3 be removed from the Constitution?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

Technology  ›  Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Should the government regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure ethical use?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  European Union Countries

Should the number of countries in the European Union be reduced to 15?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Kurd

Should France support the Kurds in establishing their own territory?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

国家安全  ›  De-radicalization Center

Should people under surveillance (S-Files) be sent to de-radicalization centers?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

移民  ›  Migrant Children

Should the children of migrants who live in French territories be allowed to join their families?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

环境  ›  Corporate Subsidies

Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  单一支付者医保


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

外交政策  ›  Post Brexit UK

Should the UK be allowed to access European Markets once they leave the EU?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

罪行  ›  监狱过度拥挤


  Party’s support base

总统大选  ›  Political Party Subsidies

Should political parties receive money from the government?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  Work Law

Should the Work Law be repealed?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

国家安全  ›  Emergency State

Should Emergency State measures be included in the French Constitution?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

国家安全  ›  Le Touquet Accord

Should the government renegotiate the Le Touquet accord?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

总统大选  ›  候选人透明度


RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  奖金上限

银行家的奖金上限应为 100%的工资?

  Party’s support base

Housing  ›  Affordable Housing

Should the government incentivize the construction of affordable housing?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  Backstop

Should the U.K. and Northern Ireland remain in the EU’s customs area after Brexit?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Syrian Support Against ISIS

Should France support the Syrian governments military offensive against ISIS?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  Tech Monopolies

Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

教育  ›  Student Exchange Programs

Do you support the increase of the EU budget for student exchange programs like Erasmus+?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Homeless Shelters

Should the government increase funding for homeless shelters and services?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

国内政策  ›  Political Advertising on Social Media

Should social media companies ban political advertising?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

Housing  ›  Homeless Encampments

Should homeless individuals, that have refused available shelter or housing, be allowed to sleep or encamp on public property?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴


  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Teacher and Faculty Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for teachers and faculty?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

社会  ›  Employee Diversity Training

Should companies be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for employees?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

交通运输  ›  Notre-Dame-des-Landes Airport

Should the government stop construction on the Notre-Dame-des-Landes’ airport?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

社会  ›  Student Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for students?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Foreign Real Estate Investment

Should the government restrict the purchase of residential properties by foreign investors?

  Party’s support base是的

医保  ›  Medical Consensus

Should medical boards penalize doctors who give health advice that contradicts contemporary scientific consensus?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

交通运输  ›  Fuel Efficiency Requirements

Should the government impose stricter fuel efficiency standards on vehicles?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

交通运输  ›  Ride-Sharing Subsidies

Should the government subsidize ride-sharing services for low-income individuals?

  Party’s support base是的

经济  ›  Decentralized Finance

Should the technology of our financial system transition to a decentralized protocol, that is not owned or controlled by any corporation, similar to the internet?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Saudi Arabia and Iran

Should the government support peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

  Party’s support base

Housing  ›  High density residential buildings

Should the government incentivize the construction of high density residential buildings?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

社会  ›  Frozen Embryos Legal Status

Should frozen embryos be considered children?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

环境  ›  EV Subsidies

Should the government provide subsidies to taxpayers who purchase an electric vehicle?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

经济  ›  Private Equity Compensation

Should the government increase taxes on private equity executives?

  Party’s support base

Technology  ›  Self Hosted Digital Wallets

Should citizens be allowed to secure their money in self-hosted digital wallets that the government can monitor but not control?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

Technology  ›  社交媒体监管

Should the government mandate that large tech companies share their algorithms with regulators?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase

科学  ›  宇宙的探索

Should the EU invest more heavily in its own space exploration and satellite programs?

RN>RN  Rassemblement National voterbase是的

交通运输  ›  Designated Autonomous Vehicle Lanes

Should cities designate special lanes for autonomous vehicles?

  Party’s support base