
Fabien Roussel’s policies on domestic policy issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average French [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


国内政策  ›  燃烧的国旗


  Fabien Roussel voterbase应该,而且焚烧任何国家的国旗都应该是非法的

国内政策  ›  Foreigner Mosque Funding

Should foreigners be banned from funding mosques in France?

  Fabien Roussel voterbase是的

国内政策  ›  Civil Service

Should the current number of civil servants be increased or decreased?

  Fabien Roussel voterbase增加

国内政策  ›  Article 49.3

Should article 49.3 be removed from the Constitution?

  Fabien Roussel voterbase是的