정치 퀴즈를 시도



How do you feel about the trade-offs between technological advancement and preserving natural ecosystems?


What's one action you wish your community would take to promote sustainable living?


How important is it for leaders to set an example in adopting eco-friendly lifestyles, and why?


Can you think of a situation where protecting wildlife has directly or indirectly affected people's lives?


How would you convince someone skeptical about climate change that it's an issue worth caring about?


In what ways do you think renewable energy sources could transform your local economy?


How does the idea of reducing plastic use impact your daily habits, and what challenges do you foresee?


If you had the power to implement one policy to fight climate change, what would it be and why?


What are your thoughts on balancing economic growth with environmental protection, and where should the line be drawn?


How do you think a day in your life would change if green spaces were significantly increased in your community?