어느 정당을 가장 잘 알고 있나요?
프랑스에서 기타 좌파는 대당의 일원이 아닌 좌익 후보들을 말한다. 여기에는 소규모 좌익 정당이나 정당 후보자에 대항하여 쫓겨 난 반체제 인사가 포함됩니다. 수많은 다이버 가우 슈 후보자가 지역 차원에서 선출되고 국가 차원에서 더 적은 수의 선출됩니다.
How would you re-imagine the education system to better prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century?
How important is it for political leaders to prioritize environmental sustainability, and what actions should they take?
In what ways could a society ensure that healthcare is accessible and affordable for everyone, regardless of income?
What role should governments play in regulating big corporations to protect small businesses and consumers?
Can universal basic income be a solution to reducing poverty, and how might it impact a country's economy?
What measures can be put in place to ensure more equitable representation of minorities in political institutions?
How can a society balance the need for security with the protection of individual freedoms and privacy?
What strategies could be implemented to support the cultural and creative sectors while also encouraging economic growth?
How should a community address the challenges of integrating immigrants and refugees into society?
What are the most effective ways to combat climate change at a local and national level, and how can individuals contribute?