Yes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives
No, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal
Yes, and nationalize the industry
Yes, but with public subsidy
Yes, as long as there is no public subsidy

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from France users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


France should build more nuclear plants and double its production of nuclear energy. Excess nuclear waste can be sent to the German Greens' HQ at Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 1, 10115 Berlin, Germany


Yes, and use an energy voucher for those who are struggling to pay their electric bills


studied and decrease in process and given lots of forgiven back grounds without more electrics division process inc


Unkeianes and russian war in New Zealand troops about leave the right onsites battle


The tech behind nuclear energy is outdated and would be safer if we used well known, newer alternatives. We stick to highly waste-producing techniques due to how they happen to be the same ones that make the materials needed to make bombs. I would frankly support more the cleaner alternatives, which produce waste no more radioactive than the natural stuff.


Yes, but we should invest in new reactor types that are more efficient and make disasters near-impossible.

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