Try the political quiz

Éric Zemmour’s policies on national security issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average French [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


National Security  ›  Terrorism Surveillance

Should the government arrest all people who are under surveillance for suspected terrorism (S-files)?

  Éric Zemmour voterbaseYes

National Security  ›  Foreign Assassination

Should France assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?

  Éric Zemmour voterbaseYes

National Security  ›  Stationary Security Missions

Should stationary security missions be overseen by private companies so police can concentrate on other tasks?

  Party’s support baseYes

National Security  ›  Syria Travel Ban

Should French citizens who have traveled to Syria be put in jail?

  Party’s support baseYes

National Security  ›  De-radicalization Center

Should people under surveillance (S-Files) be sent to de-radicalization centers?

  Éric Zemmour voterbaseYes

National Security  ›  Emergency State

Should Emergency State measures be included in the French Constitution?

  Éric Zemmour voterbaseYes

National Security  ›  Le Touquet Accord

Should the government renegotiate the Le Touquet accord?

  Éric Zemmour voterbaseYes