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 @WorriedWeasel de New Jersey  soumis…15 heures15H

La Chine présente le premier drone hypersonique au monde

A new video has revealed a remarkable first in hypersonic flight – an unmanned Chinese MD series aircraft being launched in near space from a high-altitude balloon, reaching a speed of Mach 7 before landing safely to be reused later.

The full video, released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), showcases the trials of the MD series and the drone developers behind the aircraft. The team from the Institute of Mechanics (IMECH) at CAS, known as the “Qian Xuesen Young Scientist Task Force”, were the same specialists who achieved the first horizontal landing of the hypersonic drone…  

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 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…5 heures5H

L’économie allemande au bord de l’effondrement à l’approche des élections

Presenting the CDU/CSU’s manifesto on Tuesday. Merz said he would make savings of €100bn by reducing spending on migration and welfare. He also promised tax cuts and lower electricity prices to kick-start the economy, stuck in its first two-year contraction since the early 2000s. Meanwhile, the SPD and Greens pledged to reform Germany’s “debt brake”, its constitutional cap on new borrowing, saying the country needed to invest billions of euros in its ramshackle infrastructure and the green transition.

Meanwhile, the SPD and Greens pledged to reform Germany’s “debt brake”, its constit…  

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