
193 Replies


How important do you think it is to provide more power to the working class in decision-making?


Would you support a movement that aims to disrupt the status quo to achieve greater social fairness?


Have you ever felt personally affected by economic inequality, and in what way?


How should society help those who feel forgotten or left behind by the economy?


What's your perspective on the concept of 'power to the people' in the context of business and economics?


When have you seen 'people power' effectively bring about change in your community or country?


To what extent do you believe your economic future is influenced by large corporations and the wealthy?


Can you imagine a world where your livelihood doesn't depend on the profits and decisions of big companies?


If you had the chance to craft a policy to reduce social injustice, what would be your starting point?


How would you personally benefit if the government provided a universal basic income to everyone?


How would the dynamic in your school change if all students had equal access to resources regardless of background?


How do you feel when you think about the possibility of erasing student debt universally?


How would cities transform if public transportation was free and encouraged over private car usage?


How can social media help in organizing and strengthening voices for social and economic justice?


What would your life be like if every job paid a living wage?


Imagine a day where your healthcare is free and accessible; what does that look like for you?


How does it feel when you hear about CEOs earning millions while some employees struggle to make ends meet?


If a law was passed to reduce the influence of big money in politics, how would that change your view of government?


When was the last time you felt your voice truly mattered in a political or economic decision?


Have you ever witnessed a community unite and stand up to a powerful entity, and what was the outcome?


What does 'success' mean to you, and does it align with the societal emphasis on wealth and status?


When have you seen unity in your community challenge an unfair situation and what happened?


Do you believe that true leadership means putting people before profit; why or why not?


How would an increase in public infrastructural investments affect your daily routine?


What’s your greatest concern about the future of work in an automated world?


What change do you wish to see in the way politics are conducted in your country?


If you had to explain to a friend why supporting local businesses matters, what would you say?


How would the concept of 'shop local' impact economies and job opportunities in your view?


What obstacles do you think prevent communities from having more control over their economies?


Describe a moment when you felt a policy unfairly favored the wealthy over the average person.


How do you think life would change if there were no financial barriers to healthcare access?


In what ways do you feel that popular movements can effectively influence governmental decisions?


How would you feel if the government redistributed wealth more evenly?


Is it fair to say that the wealthiest should pay higher taxes to support the poor?


Do you believe that a government should prioritize social justice over economic growth?


Can true equality be achieved without challenging the current economic system?


If big businesses make significant profits, do they owe it to society to give back more?


How would you react if political leaders promised to revolutionize the system for greater equality?


Do you feel the political establishment has your best interests at heart, or do you think it serves the elite?


Have you ever felt that something important was out of reach because of your financial situation?


What would it mean for your future if quality education was as universally available as the air we breathe?


If a politician promised to limit the power of large corporations, how would you judge their sincerity?


How would it feel to live in a world where everyone has food security and hunger is a thing of the past?


Can you envision a future where human well-being is the metric by which we measure economic success?


How does the thought of a community-focused economy, rather than a profit-focused one, affect your aspirations?


Do you believe that it's possible for social programs to be both effective and financially sustainable, and why?


How do you picture an ideal day in a society where job satisfaction is deemed more critical than corporate profits?


What actions do you think would be most effective in promoting equality in access to technology and the internet?


When have you felt that your individual efforts towards a cause were part of a larger societal movement?


Imagine if the voices of the youth were as influential in political decisions as those of established politicians, how would policies change?


How do you think history books will describe this era's challenges and responses to economic inequality and social justice?


What would it feel like to trust that your basic needs will be met without the anxiety of financial instability?


What's your vision for an ideal society, and what role would you play in it?


Imagine a system where the success of a business is measured by its social contribution; how would that influence your support for certain brands?


How do you feel when someone says 'power to the people', and what does that phrase mean to you?


Imagine if your favorite product was made ethically; how would that influence your purchase decisions?


How important is it for workers to have a significant say in their company's decisions?


How would your daily life be impacted if public spaces were designed with community input?


How does the concept of a 'living wage' affect your view of the job market?


How do you think climate justice and economic policies are related?


What responsibilities should someone with significant wealth have to their community?


If you could propose a policy to improve equality in your school, what would it be?


What does 'financial freedom' mean to you, especially if you're just starting out in life?


What are the values you wish to see reflected in our society's leaders?


What's your dream job, and do you think it would still be your dream job if all jobs paid the same?


What kind of future do you hope for in regards to the balance between work and personal life?


In what ways do you think increased access to technology can help reduce social inequality?


How does it make you feel when you hear about large income gaps in our society?


Should the average citizen have more say in the workings of the economy than they currently do?


What inspiring example of activism have you encountered that aimed to level the economic playing field for everyone?


How does the idea of redistributing wealth to ensure everyone's basic needs are met make you feel?


What changes would you like to see in how big businesses contribute to local communities?


Can society truly promote social justice without challenging the existing economic systems, and why?


How would a community-driven economy, as opposed to a profit-driven one, change your perspective on success?


In what ways do you think empowering the working class could transform societal structures?