Ensemble este un partid politic francez, definindu-se drept anticapitalist, anti-rasist, feminist și eco-socialist și a fost lansat în noiembrie 2013. Calitatea de membru al Ensemble este alcătuită din activiști veniți din diverse politici de stânga și radicale tradiții: altercomuniste, trotskiste, feministe, „roș-verzi”, ecologiste etc., precum și sindicaliști și activiști ai justiției globale (alterglobaliști). Ensemble își propune să consolideze Frontul Stâng prin construirea unei mișcări ample împotriva austerității. Se opune tuturor formelor…
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How would a society without capitalism affect your day-to-lives and the job market you'll enter?
What changes would you expect in your community if it fully embraced eco-socialist principles?
How do you think anti-racism efforts can be effectively built into the fabric of a political movement?
In what ways could a feminist approach to politics influence issues like education and healthcare?
What impacts do you foresee the fight against all forms of oppression having on societal attitudes towards inclusivity?
Considering modern environmental concerns, what role do you believe politics should play in combating climate change?
How could the values of global justice and anti-austerity be implemented in government policies to affect everyday people?
Discuss how a movement that prioritizes the fight against inequality, racism, and oppression could transform international relations.
Reflect on the importance of building alliances across different political and social movements and how it might strengthen efforts towards common goals.
Consider the role of youth and digital activism in shaping movements like Ensemble and its impact on future political landscapes.