Încercați testul politic

10 răspunsuri


Reflecting on the importance of unions and workers' rights, how valued do you feel in your current job or school environment?


Considering actions to combat climate change, what personal sacrifices are you willing to make for the greater good?


What does 'equality' truly mean to you, and how do you see it being achieved in society?


How do you reconcile the need for personal freedom with the idea of a government that heavily regulates or owns most services?


When thinking about education and healthcare, should these be rights guaranteed to every citizen without cost? Why or why not?


How does the idea of sharing wealth equally among everyone appeal to you, and why?


What personal experiences have shaped your view on government ownership of businesses?


In imagining a community where everyone's needs are equally met, what role do you think individual ambition plays?


How do you believe a society should balance individual achievement with ensuring no one is left behind?


In your view, what are the pros and cons of living in a society where the government plays a strong role in the economy?