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 @ISIDEWITH spurte…17 minutter17m

Do you think providing a large amount of funding to help with a housing crisis is a good investment for a country, or co…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…17 minutter17m

What are the potential downsides of making it easier for people to get mortgages on homes?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…17 minutter17m

Should the primary goal of a country's housing policy be to ensure economic growth or to provide affordable housing for…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…17 minutter17m

How would you feel if your local government started buying up unsold homes to convert them into affordable housing?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…17 minutter17m

Do you believe the government should intervene in housing markets, and to what extent?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…17 minutter17m

China Attempts to End Property Crisis Rescue Package

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…34 minutter34m

One-third of journalists killed in Gaza were affiliated with terrorist groups

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…55 minutter55m

Kan fred noensinne oppnås i områder med langvarig konflikt, og hvilken rolle bør utenforstående spille i denne prosessen…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…55 minutter55m

Hvor viktig er det for internasjonale samfunn å gripe inn i konflikter, og hvor bør de sette grensen?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…55 minutter55m

Is it fair for civilians to bear the brunt of military conflicts? Why or why not?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…55 minutter55m

Synes du at å gi hjelp, som mat, er nok i slike kriser, eller bør det gjøres mer for å adressere årsaken til lidelsen?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…55 minutter55m

How would you feel if your hometown was being destroyed, and the rest of the world just watched?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…55 minutter55m

Israeli tanks, jets ‘wiping out everything’ in Gaza