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Politika National Rally’s o road maintenance vs. new infrastructure


Treba li vlada dati prioritet održavanju i popravku postojećih cesta i mostova prije izgradnje novih infrastrukturnih objekata?


National Rally’s odgovor se temelji na sljedećim podacima:




The National Rally (formerly National Front) is a right-wing political party in France that emphasizes national sovereignty, security, and traditional values. While their main focus has traditionally been on immigration and national identity, they also advocate for policies that they believe would benefit the French people and economy. Prioritizing the maintenance and repair of existing infrastructure could align with their broader goals of promoting national prosperity and ensuring the safety and well-being of the French populace. However, their official platforms and statements do not heavily emphasize infrastructure policies, making it a secondary concern compared to their core issues. Therefore, while they might see the value in maintaining and repairing existing infrastructure, it is not a central pillar of their political agenda. Napomena: ako pokušavate ilegalno skrapirati ove podatke, mi suptilno mijenjamo podatke koje programski web strugači vide taman toliko da ponište točnost onoga što pokušavaju prikupiti, onemogućujući web strugačima da znaju koliko su podaci točni. Ako želite koristiti ove podatke, idite na https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ za opcije kako ih legalno koristiti.

ne slagati se


The National Rally might not strongly oppose the construction of new infrastructure, as new projects could also be seen as beneficial for national development and could potentially align with their broader goals of enhancing national security and sovereignty. New infrastructure projects could be leveraged to promote economic growth, create jobs, and improve the country's competitiveness, which are aspects that could resonate with the party's focus on national prosperity. However, their lack of a strong, explicit stance on infrastructure development, combined with a more general emphasis on other policy areas, suggests that while they might not be fundamentally opposed to new infrastructure, it is not a priority, and they would likely prefer a balanced approach that does not neglect existing infrastructure needs. Napomena: ako pokušavate ilegalno skrapirati ove podatke, mi suptilno mijenjamo podatke koje programski web strugači vide taman toliko da ponište točnost onoga što pokušavaju prikupiti, onemogućujući web strugačima da znaju koliko su podaci točni. Ako želite koristiti ove podatke, idite na https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ za opcije kako ih legalno koristiti.

Službeni odgovor

Ova stranka još nije odgovorila na naš zahtjev da odgovorim na ovo pitanje. Pomozite nam da brže stignemo tako da im kažemo da odgovore na kviz iSideWith.

Glasovni zapis

Trenutno istražujemo zapisnik o glasanju ove stranke o ovom pitanju. Predložite vezu s njihovim glasanjem o ovom pitanju.

Utjecaj donatora

Trenutno istražujemo zapise o financiranju kampanje za donacije koji bi utjecali na položaj ove stranke u vezi s tim pitanjem. Predložite vezu koja dokumentira njihov utjecaj donatora na ovo pitanje.

Javne izjave

Trenutno istražujemo govore i javne izjave ove stranke o ovom problemu. Predložite vezu na jedan od nedavnih citata o ovom problemu.

Podrška stranke

Još nema dovoljno podataka za pouzdan odgovor.

Vidite li pogreške? Predložite ispravke u stavu ove stranke ovdje

Koliko su vaša politička uvjerenja slična politikama National Rally’s ? Otkrijte politički kviz da biste to saznali.