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 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but the government should implement strict regulation for human safety.

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but regulators should be able to check whether these companies broke any laws with their algorithms .

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but the government should co-operate with crypto-platforms to limit money sending to OFAC sanctioned countries.

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but AI could be used to advice criminal justice systems actors.

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but government should implement stricter regulation for AI, especially in regards of defense applications.

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but the government should co-operate with platforms for such payments to limit money sending to OFAC sanctioned coun…

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but the government should support construction of the new accessible residential properties.

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

Government should prioritize both the maintenance and repair of existing roads and bridges and building new infrastructu…

 @9MB5KZW answered…7hrs7H

No, but government should provide subsidies for the development of more electric or hybrid cars, simultaneously limiting…