Try the political quiz

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Can healthcare be seen as a right or a privilege, and how does that perspective influence your thoughts on Medicaid expansion?


If you had the power to decide, what changes would you make to the current healthcare system for low-income individuals and why?


How do personal experiences with health shape an individual's opinion on government-funded healthcare?


How might expanding healthcare for the lower-income population benefit or harm the overall economy?


Should the decision of healthcare funding be more of a collective societal choice or an individual state choice?


How do you believe healthcare disparities affect societal equality?


Can you think of a time when medical costs profoundly affected you or someone you know?


What moral responsibilities do we have to ensure everyone can access basic healthcare?


If you needed medical assistance and couldn't afford it, how would you want your society to support you?


How would increasing healthcare funding for low-income individuals impact your community?



Yes, It is the role of the country to protect the people's right to life.

 @8TMFV7P from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y


Yes but through health care vouchers that can be used in an open and competitive health care market.

 @92S34SB from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, I support the funding for both low income and middle income citizens.


No, government should not be involved in healthcare unless it applies to federal employees.

 @6VWJ8PP from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Regardless, the federal government should work with states to close the coverage gap and improve cost

 @92DY93W from Minnesota answered…2yrs2Y

I believe there should be a system of record for those using Medicaid and who are actively seeking employment. There should be criteria that go along with Medicaid.

 @92BG2S6 from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only for individuals who are physically unable to work, disabled, or elderly

 @9285GDC from Wyoming answered…2yrs2Y

 @9268RLG from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

Listen man I think they should support the low income people that cant help much they make not the bums that sit on the couch and do whatever they want to do.

 @9242PT9 from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, however, the person needs to get back on their two feet in a timely matter so that they no longer need the medicaid.

 @8M258QP from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

Yes - for the elderly, disabled, and those with serious health conditions such as cancer


Regardless, everybody needs to know how to spend less money while still living well. Perhaps all people reveieing government aid should be required to take a quiz on finances, take a course if their quiz score is too low, and manage their finances with certain criteria to ensure they are only getting as much help as they really need.

 @85QWNPG from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

No, we have more than enough spending in this sector and need to merely restructure the entirety of our system away from benefitting insurance companies and rather control the prices for life saving procedures, drugs and cover all people equally and without direct payment at the time of suffering.

 @8Z9R7P2 from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only increase children under 14 years old, the elderly and disabled.

 @ThomasJj88 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Free healthcare for all citizens while also allowing the option of private care.

 @8YJG6ZH from Montana answered…2yrs2Y


Yes Yes, but only increase for the elderly and disabled

Yes, but we should reform the current system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and increase funding only for those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families with children. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.


Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and children. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.


Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families not just give it out to anyone else, so people cannot abuse it. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.

 @8Y2P827 from Minnesota answered…3yrs3Y


No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage No, and eligibility should only include the elderly and disabled Yes, but only increase for the elderly and disabled

Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, so people cannot abuse it. However, eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, children or families, not just give it out to anyone else. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.


No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage No, and eligibility should only include the elderly and disabled Yes, but only increase for the elderly and disabled

Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, so people don't abuse it. However, eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, children or families, not just give it out to anyone else. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.


No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage No, and eligibility should only include the elderly and disabled Yes, but only increase for the elderly and disabled

No, the system is to help only those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Therefore, we need a comprehensive plan to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens.


No, the system is to help only those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Otherwise, it should be a decision that should be decided and addressed on the state/local level.


No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Also, let each state decide their own coverage.


No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it.

 @8XP4MLR from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y


Yes No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families as well because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and the expansion of each state's Medicaid coverage should be mandatory


Yes No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also for families as well because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. The solution to our lack of adequate healthcare for our citizens is more complicated than increasing funding for one program. We need a comprehensive plan to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all our citizens.


No No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own healthcare coverage.


No No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own healthcare system and coverage.


No No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own coverage and Medicare programs.


No No, and each state should decide their own level of coverage

Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances.