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Putin müttefiki, Rusya ve Çin'in, ABD'nin kısıtlama girişimlerine karşı koyması gerektiğini söylüyor.

MOSCOW/BEIJING (Reuters) - The most important task for Russia and China is to counter any attempt by the United ... the policy of 'dual containment' of Russia and China pursued by the United States and its satellites," Shoigu was quoted as saying by ...


Çin ve Rusya, ABD'nin 'sınırlama' politikasına karşı mücadele etmelidir: güvenlik başkanı

Speaking to Wang in Beijing, Shoigu, the secretary of Russia's Security Council, stressed the need for China and Russia to "counter the 'dual containment' policy directed against Russia and China by the United States and its satellites". "The comprehensive ...