Yeni Anti-Kapitalist Parti, Şubat 2009’da kurulan bir sol sol Fransız siyasi partisidir. Parti, Fransız radikal Solunun kırılmış hareketlerini birleştirmek ve başkanlıktaki uzak sol partilerin birleşik güçlerini kullanan yeni aktivistleri çekmek amacıyla başlatıldı. 2002’de yapılan seçimler, oyların% 10.44’ünü gerçekleştirdi.
How would society change if education and healthcare were completely free and funded by the government?
What impacts might there be if every worker had a say in their company's decisions, similar to a cooperative model?
Can a society truly achieve equality, and what would it look like if economic disparities were significantly reduced?
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of significantly increasing taxes on the wealthiest individuals to fund social services?
How important is environmental sustainability in your future, and should governments prioritize it over economic growth?
Would you support a policy that limits personal profit from businesses in exchange for a guaranteed basic living standard for all?
Imagine a world where housing is considered a basic human right; what changes would need to happen to make this a reality?
How can young people today best contribute to creating a fairer and more equitable society?
What role do you think social movements should play in shaping government policy?
Reflecting on your own aspirations, how would you be affected if your future career was more focused on societal contribution than personal gain?