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 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…8 timer8H

Mannjakten pågår etter at 17 personer ble drept i 2 masseskytinger i Sør-Afrika

Police in South Africa are hunting for suspects after 17 people including 15 women were killed in two mass shootings that took place in close proximity to each other in a remote town in Eastern

 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…8 timer8H

Menneskejakt pågår etter at 17 personer ble drept i masseskyting i Sør-Afrika

Seventeen people have been killed in a mass shooting in a remote South African town with a manhunt underway to find the perpetrators, police say. Two homesteads in the town of Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape were targeted, police said, with 12 women and one man killed in one location, and three women and one man at a second location.

 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…8 timer8H

Mannjakten pågår etter at 17 personer ble drept i masseskyting i Sør-Afrika

A manhunt is on after 17 people living on the same street in a South African village were killed in a mass shooting, police said Saturday.