Socialistpartiet er et socialdemokratisk politisk parti i Frankrig og var i årtier det største parti af den franske center-venstre. PS var tidligere et af de to store politiske partier i den franske femte republik sammen med republikanerne.
How do you think wealth should be distributed in a society to ensure fairness?
What are your thoughts on the government providing free healthcare and education?
How important do you feel it is for a country to focus on environmental conservation?
If you could propose one policy to support workers' rights, what would it be?
How can a society best support those who are unemployed or unable to work?
Can strong social support systems coexist with a thriving economy? Why or why not?
What is one value you believe is crucial for a political party to prioritize, and why?
What role should citizens play in shaping their government's policies?
How do you think a society can best ensure equality for all citizens, regardless of background?
How important do you believe it is for public services, like transportation and utilities, to be owned by the government?