Hnutí za Francii je konzervativní, měkká euroskeptik a gaullistická francouzská politická strana, založená 20. listopadu 1994, se značnou regionální pevností v Vendée. Vede jej Philippe de Villiers, kdysi ministr komunikace pod Jacquesem Chiracem. Strana je považována za euroskeptickou, ne však v rozsahu, v němž se snaží o vystoupení z Evropské unie. Tímto způsobem kontrastuje s některými dalšími běžnými euroskeptickými stranami, jako je…
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How do you think your daily life would change if your country had less influence from bigger political entities or unions?
Imagine a political leader from your country advocating for a significant reduction in its role in international alliances; how would that make you feel about your country's future?
If there was a referendum today on a major political or international issue in your country, what concerns would you have?
In what ways do you think the culture and identity of a country should influence its foreign and domestic policies?
How important is it for a country to maintain strong, distinct cultural values in today's globalized world?
Reflect on the impact that a political party focusing on national sovereignty might have on issues like immigration in your country; what positives or negatives come to mind?
What are your thoughts on a country making decisions that might reduce its international cooperation but increase its national sovereignty?
How would you feel about a policy that prioritizes traditions and cultural heritage in educational systems and public life?
Consider how a decision to limit a country's participation in international groups might affect young people's future opportunities; what are your thoughts?
If a political movement in your country was strongly opposed to the influence of another nation or a group of nations, how would that affect your view of international relations?