Based on my political beliefs, these are the political parties I side with on the issues that are most important to me.
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Here are the political parties ranked from most to least similar to your beliefs.
Here are your answers compared to each political party’s answer.
the Economy › Domestic Jobs
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses |
the Economy › Government Spending
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Miscellaneous’ similar answerYes, but by drastically reducing the benefits and salaries of government officials |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, increase taxes on large multinational corporations instead |
DisagreeNo, focus on ending tax evasion instead |
Reconquest disagreeNo, reduce the number of government officials instead |
Science › Nuclear Energy
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives |
Similar answerYes, but with public subsidy |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal |
New Anticapitalist Party disagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, for most but not all drugs |
Similar answerYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, and increase punishment for drug dealers |
DisagreeNo, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation |
Unsubmissive disagreeNo, but decriminalize drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana |
Immigration › Muslim Immigrant Ban
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Miscellaneous’ similar answerYes, until terrorist attacks decrease |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Les’ political party support base disagreesNo, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries |
DisagreeNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, and eliminate all wage standards |
Similar answerNo, this will only cause prices to increase in a never ending cycle |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and adjust it every year according to inflation |
Healthcare › Marijuana
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only for medical use |
Similar answerYes, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses |
Similar answerYes, and legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Crime › Criminal Voting Rights
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation |
DisagreeYes, every citizen deserves the right to vote |
Elections › Elected Representatives
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, and reduce their salaries and retirement benefits |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, this would give too much political power to a small number of representatives |
DisagreeNo, but reduce their salaries and retirement benefits |
Domestic Policy › Civil Service
Agree | ★ Your answerDecreased |
Similar answerDecreased, but increase for education, health, justice, security services |
Reconquest’s similar answerDecreased, and decrease existing salary and retirement benefits |
Disagree | DisagreeIncreased |
Immigration › Deporting Criminal Immigrants
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, as long as it is safe for them to return to their country |
Similar answerYes, but after they have finished serving their sentence |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Flag Burning
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, this is a violation of free speech |
DisagreeNo, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so |
Elections › Criminal Politicians
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, and disallow politicians that are under investigation for a crime |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, as long as they have finished serving their sentence |
Nouveau disagreeYes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime |
Immigration › Immigrant Assimilation
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but the government should provide free language learning courses |
Disagree | New Anticapitalist Party disagreeNo, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country |
the Environment › Environmental Regulation
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead |
Reconquest’s similar answerNo, and the current government is over-regulating businesses |
Miscellaneous’ similar answerNo, just enforce existing regulations |
Disagree | New Anticapitalist Party disagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, only legal citizens should be allowed to vote |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only after living in the country for 5 years |
DisagreeYes, but they should only be allowed to vote in local elections |
DisagreeYes, but only if they are European Union citizens |
DisagreeYes |
Miscellaneous disagreeYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote |
Science › Mandatory Vaccinations
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated |
Christian Democratic Party’s similar answerYes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines |
Similar answerYes, but only for deadly contagious diseases |
Crime › Prison Overcrowding
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis |
New Anticapitalist Party’s similar answerYes |
Reconquest’s similar answerYes, but place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, we should build more prisons |
DisagreeNo, but we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners |
National Security › Foreign Assassination
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, they should be captured and given a fair trial |
En’s similar answerNo, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country |
Christian Democratic Party disagreeYes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country |
Social › Death Penalty
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Les disagreeNo, spending life in prison is a harsher sentence |
Foreign Policy › European Union
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but renegotiate for strict limits on migration into the country and the terms of our monetary contributions |
Similar answerNo, but renegotiate the terms of our monetary contributions |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Social › Euthanasia
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice |
National Security › Terrorism Surveillance
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning an attack |
National Security › Syria Travel Ban
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, but they should be interrogated and closely monitored |
Reconquest’s similar answerNo, but they should be denied entry into our country |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
the Environment › Genetically Modified Foods
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified |
Transportation › Notre-Dame-des-Landes Airport
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, we must respect the existing referendum that approved the construction |
National’s political party support base similar answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but there needs to be more consideration for the environment when building this airport |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Healthcare › Healthcare Privatization
Agree | ★ Your answerMore |
Disagree | DisagreeI am satisfied with the current system |
DisagreeLess, and provide more government funding |
Social › Abortion
Agree | ★ Your answerPro-life |
Similar answerPro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child |
Disagree | DisagreePro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions |
Les disagreePro-choice, but ban after the first three months |
the Environment › Fracking
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead |
Miscellaneous disagreeNo, more research is needed to measure the long term effects of fracking |
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Here is how you compare to your political parties on popular political themes.
You side moderately towards “tough”, meaning you believe in tough love and have little sympathy for those that break the law or make bad choices. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “politically incorrect”, meaning you believe our society is becoming too sensitive to language that is direct and honest. This theme is most important to you.
You side extremely towards “assimilation”, meaning you very strongly believe we should be a unified culture. This theme is most important to you.
You side slightly towards “security”, meaning you more often believe the government should do everything within its power to ensure the security of its citizens. This theme is most important to you.
You side extremely towards “small government”, meaning you very strongly believe the government is overly bureaucratic, inefficient, and wasteful. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “capitalism”, meaning you support an economic system that features private ownership of wealth. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “right wing”, meaning you support policies that promote economic freedom and a society based on morals and values. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “nationalism”, meaning you support policies that prioritize the interests of our nation above others. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “libertarian”, meaning you support policies that promote social and economic freedom. This theme is most important to you.
You side slightly towards “globalization”, meaning you more often believe globalization is necessary in order to increase the economic strength, prosperity, and standard of living of the nation. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “traditional”, meaning you believe we should be a civilized nation that honors traditional morals and values. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “religious”, meaning you support policies that reflect religious values and principles. This theme is more important to you.
You side extremely towards “deregulation”, meaning you very strongly believe that government regulation stifles innovation and economic prosperity. This theme is more important to you.
You side strongly towards “individualism”, meaning you strongly support free market policies that create opportunity for personal liberty and success. This theme is more important to you.
You side slightly towards “pacifism”, meaning you more often believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side slightly towards “multilateralism”, meaning you more often believe policy decisions should be made collectively with support of everyone who may be affected by the outcome of the decision. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side extremely towards “anthropocentrism”, meaning you very strongly believe humankind is the central element of existence. This theme is only less important to you.
Here is how you compare to your political parties on the traditional ideological axis.
Here is the percentage of voters who have pledged to vote for each political party.
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