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I support Biden’s bill to cap drug prices and allow the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to lower prices for people on Medicare.

 @93RQL4H from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y

 @8558FRW from Utah answered…2yrs2Y

 @93DSRN9 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @92YT8JT from New York answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, as long as it does not interfere with the research of new drugs

 @92X5HLD from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZSR5NL from GU answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, anyone should be able to negotiate prices for any product from insurance companies, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems.


Yes, anyone should be able to negotiate prices for any product and insurance companies should be able to do so, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems.

  @8VHBC3L from West Virginia answered…2yrs2Y


Yes, anyone should be able to negotiate prices for any product as all insurance companies should be able to do so, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems.

 @8TKFNNS from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

 @7MWMZKM from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, they should regulate drug prices for all people, regardless of insurance


Yes, anyone should be able to negotiate prices for any product like all insurance companies should be able to do so, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems.


Yes, anyone should be able to negotiate prices for any product, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems, but only if it’s to lower the cost of medical drugs.

 @8XTW3QC from Washington D.C. answered…3yrs3Y

There should be light regulation on the prices to help the people who purchase the drugs and the companies who create and produce the drugs


Yes, but only if it’s to lower the cost of medical drugs, depending on what it’s needed on and their problems.


Yes, but only to keep prices fair for consumers, or if the drugs would be very useful and/or critical to the recuperation of the patients.


Yes, but only if the drugs are overpriced and its costs should be reduced, so it would be more affordable to all citizens.


Yes, but only if the drugs are overpriced and its costs should be reduced, so it would be more affordable to all citizens not just on Medicare/Medicaid; it must be done in moderation and it should not be abused.


Yes, but only if the drugs are overpriced and its costs should be reduced so it would be very useful and/or critical to the recuperation of the patients; it must be done in moderation and it should not be abused.


Yes, but only for medications that are very overpriced; pricing should apply to all prescription drugs not just on Medicare/Medicaid.

 @8VL9DP4 from Texas answered…3yrs3Y

 @8WNZXJ4 from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

I believe certain prices and businesses selling drugs should be negotiated on, but others don't really have to be tampered with.


No, but state governments should be able to negotiate in order to keep prices fair for consumers

 @83MT9F6 from Minnesota answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, the government should be able to negotiate prices paid for drugs in their own insurance program, just as all insurance companies do


Yes, but the legislation should be only addressed at the state level

 @8VC7WDN from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y


Yes, but the legislation should be negotiated at the state level, rather than the federal government

 @7B5WHFG from Iowa answered…3yrs3Y

no, the government should buy out middle men in the pharmaceuticals market to lower prices


 @6VWJ8PP from Wisconsin answered…3yrs3Y

No, but the government should strictly regulate pharmaceutical middlemen

 @8TY6MBW from West Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TVYZQL from Georgia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but the government should be part of the market without having too much power over it.

 @8TH2QWQ from Oklahoma answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, to prevent corporation from charging extremely expensive prices for drugs.

 @Maxx48503800 from California answered…3yrs3Y

 @7JQ5SFW from California answered…3yrs3Y

This should be left up to health professionals based on the production cost, intensity or importance of the drug


No, but the entire medical industry, specifically pharma, should be converted to non-profit status to stop the artificial inflation of the cost of medical treatments including medicine.

 @6WHP7WC from Michigan answered…3yrs3Y

No, because doctors raise their rates for other patients to get higher rates from Medicare.